segunda-feira, 22 de março de 2010

Eloy - Dawn (1976)

01 - Awakening
02 - Between The Times
03 - Memory Flash
04 - Appearance Of The Voice
05 - Return Of The Voice
06 - The Sun Song
07 - The Dance In Doubt And Fear
08 - Lost ( Introduction )
09 - Lost ( The Decision )
10 - The Mdnight Flight
11 - The Victory Of Mental Force
12 - Gliding Into Light And Knowledge

Frank Bornemann - Guitars, Lead Vocals
Klaus Peter Matziol - Bass, Vocals
Detlev Schmidtchen - Synthesizer, Guitar, Piano, Keyboards, Hammond Organ, Vocals, Mellotron, Mini Moog
Jurgen Rosenthal - Cymbals, Drums, Glockenspiel, Gong, Timbales, Voices, Lyricist, Kettle Drum, Temple Blocks, Roto Toms

PS:Arquivos Flac upados por Larush

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